jeudi 20 avril 2023

New Headway , Elementary : Teacher's Book


What remains the same?

• The basic Headway methodology is the same. Proven traditional approaches are used alongside those which have been developed and researched more recently.

• The grammatical syllabus is largely unchanged because the requirements of lower level students are usually more predictable than at later levels.

• There is a great variety of practice activities. Some of these have been amended rather than replaced. Nevertheless there are still many new ones.

• Vocabulary is not only integrated throughout but also developed in its own section.

• Skills work is integrated and balanced. It all comes from authentic sources but has been simplified and adapted to suit the level.

• There is an Everyday English section.

What are the differences?

• The design is completely new, and this represents a break in what a Headway Student's Book traditionally looked like. It is cleaner and fresher, and activities are easier to follow. There is more space on a page, and some of the exercises and activities are shorter.

The vast majority of the texts are new. We took this opportunity to freshen up the topics. Teachers very easily get fed up with using the same texts year after year. Sometimes we have found a parallel text on the same topic, but more often we have selected a new topic and a new text.

• There are several new features, such as the Starter at the beginning of a unit, and the Grammar Spot.

• Many of the vocabulary exercises are different, new, or amended, as are the topics of the Everyday English section

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est une bibliothèque en ligne gratuite contenant des livres électroniques éducatifs pour tous les niveaux d’enseignement, principalement destinés aux enseignants, aux apprenants et à leurs parents. Ces livres sont classés selon les catégories suivantes : Langues (français, anglais, arabe), mathématiques, sciences et technologie, informatique et autres divers, et vous pouvez les télécharger sans inscription. Et bien sûr, le site ne republiera que ce qui est publié sur Internet, et tous les droits de l’auteur restent réservés, et aucun livre ne sera publié si l’auteur n’accepte pas, et si vous y trouvez des cas contraires, veuillez-nous en informer dès que possible afin que la publication et ses liens de téléchargement seront supprimés.

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